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    Here is a map of Tiger Underwear popularity by postal codes (no customer addresses are shown). We are pleased to show that our customers have discovered us even outside the United States. Along with other Google analytics, this map is based on 2000 customers postal codes to help us better market our products.

    99 Cent Tiger Brief

    I thought it would be interesting to put a Boys Tiger Double-Back Brief (size 18-20) up on Ebay today and see what happens! Currently it is a very good deal at 99 cents plus my USPS Priority Shipping cost at $7.65. Note that this size would also fit a man with a waist between 28 and 30 inches. 

    This was a fun and interesting test as to establish a market rate for some of our past products. We have suspended the bidding on Ebay, mostly due to the cost of what Ebay charges in fees as well as the PayPal fees.

    Click here to view what Ebay customers were willing to pay and note the activity of bidders.

    Tiger Sporty Double-Seat Mid Rise Brief

    The Tiger Mid Rise Brief was introduced years after our original full cut version came to market back in 2008. The slimmer cut has proven popular with many of our customers that live in warmer climates throughout the year. Most new designs for Tiger Underwear that are released are now available in full cut, mid rise and trainers allowing more customers a selection of styles to choose from.

    Wiki Findings

    Our last post we mentioned John Quinlan had modeled for Tiger Underwear, a fact that was cited on Wikipedia. Even more interesting was the pair of Tiger Underwear shown that was uploaded to Wikipedia in Jan of 2007. It can be found by searching "Undergarments" in the Wike search engine. Fascinating to think that a pair of Tiger Briefs is shown to represent "Briefs". Another link is highlighted for "Double-Seat" to show the rear view of the same brief. I would like to thank the two people who were referenced as Underwear Guy and JackLee for this. Sorry that it took me 13 years to notice!