A Tiger Underwear Purpose
Today's special on Ebay! An actual vintage (circa 1960's) 3 Pack of HealthKnit Double Seat Briefs. You can own and wear this style and enjoy the comfort of these full cut briefs for $129.99. If that is too much, you can own from the same seller, one pair of HealthKnit Double Seat Briefs in a size (40-42) for only $99.99.
These astronomical "Buy it Now" and or bids on eBay are not unusual for actual vintage briefs. Double seat briefs are typically 5 to 10 times higher than the same vintage single seat brand. It is not because of greed from the seller, but from the willingness of consumers to pay more when the demand is high and supply is low.
As a consumer in the 1990's, I did everything in my power by contacting JC Penney and other department stores to bring back their original brand of double seat briefs. Looking back, I'm certain I was not the only one given the "Supply and Demand" of this style today.
With every major brand and department store dropping the double-seat option by the early 90's, I made it my mission in life to bring them back. This is A Tiger Underwear Purpose, as the demand is greater than the supply for a quality, full cut double seat briefs.