"Junior High School" 1971 Documentary
Tiger Underwear features men's and boys double-seat briefs that were "Like You Wore Before". Many of our customers were baby-boomers and going to junior high school sometime in the 1970s when department store double-seat briefs was what you wore under your groovy 70's fashions!
This film that was originally shown on PBS television will take you back in time. First broadcast in 1971, The Los Angeles Times wrote: “The finest documentary ever produced on American education. No one should miss it.”
It won the documentary of the year in Excellence in Broadcast Journalism and Edward R. Murrow Award for Distinguished Achievement in Broadcast Association.
One teacher said: “It fully documents in ways I never thought possible, the world of the junior high school student and teacher. It is an amazing document and for the life of me, I can’t figure out how they did it.”